Patience still

On Wednesday, our word of wisdom was on patience. To further drive home the point, our Friday fact will still be on same. Yes, it is a fact that sometimes one might have to go through the worse to get the best. So what exactly are you passing through? Is it brokenness, joblessness or stress? Always remember that these will pass and you will survive. The best you can do is keep going and never give up, there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

Think big

The greatest danger for most of us is not that we aim too high and miss it but that we aim low and reach it- Michelangelo.

This quote reminds me of one of my favorite books, “think big” by Ben Carson. What a read! See the thing is that when you aim very high, you get to unbelievable heights that you never imagine you can reach even if you don’t get to your aim. For example if you aim to be a millionaire before the turn of the year and work towards it, you might not be one and you can as well be one but even if you are not one, you ll be close to which is very cool. But if you aim to just have #100000 as you worth at the turn of the year, you have already given limits to what you can achieve. Limits are not good for success. Be limitless. Go beyond boundaries. Achieve more.

Never stop learning

This morning I woke up to view this on a friend’s Whatapp page and I learnt a lot from viewing. These are some words I use frequently but never knew the meaning. Never stop learning.

On the other side, I never knew the meaning of ad hoc despite working as one during the 2015 general elections conducted by inec. Surprising enough, it is not been reflected on my CV. Things like this when included in your CV, trivial as they might sound give your CV a different touch. Are there researches you have undertaken before, why not include it in your CV? It is worth been there. It gives employers holistic view of you. Be detailed. I have been in an interview where a CV was just the difference between who was employed and me that was not employed. My take home from that interview was just to have my CV rewritten by him. Back to my first point, never stop learning.



This morning, I woke up with just two thoughts. They are:

1. You can achieve everything if nobody believes in you but you can’t achieve anything if you don’t believe in yourself.

2. There is no limit to what you can achieve if you believe in yourself.

Good morning and have a great week ahead.

#monday_motivation #believe_to_achieve

The Goldmine of the future we crave

Good morning reader. I
read through this master piece and it was so inspiring. I decided to share with the you.


We meet people everyday for a reason. Some come to add and increase us, others leave us broken yet strong enough to learn exactly what circle of relationships we need and how to preserve them.

Abraham in the Bible had no idea he was taking care of angels when he opened his heart to strangers. Where am I going with this post?
You have no idea what the person you treat condescendingly would become. No idea.

In 1981 a white American girl named Catherine Donnelly gained admission to Princeton University, which was predominantly white and got the shock of her life on her first day at school. Her new roommate would be a tall lanky black American girl named LaVaugn Michelle Robinson from Chicago.

She picked the phone and called her mother immediately. She’s what?” Alice Brown asked, the tone of her voice hovering somewhere between anxiety and outright panic. She called Catherine’s grandmother and together they drove to Princeton to protest “the calamity”. Eventually Michelle was in the big room alone because someone saw the colour of her skin instead of her heart.

So in 2009 when Barak Obama became the 44th President of the United States auntie Catherine Donnelly had missed the slightest opportunity to become a very good friend to the First Lady of the United States who was just an ordinary black girl that time.

This is the capital truth:
*Every favour you pray for is hidden in people who may not look like it now.

*Everything you dream of will be fulfilled with people because you are not living in space

The future is bigger than us. Ego is a capital robber of relationships that would have blessed us in future. To be egocentric is to be mentally myopic.

Relationship is the goldmine of the beautiful future we dream about.


The value of a plan

if you do not know where you are going, you will wind up somewhere else” – Yogi Berra

In life , it is better to know the direction you want to go if you want to steer your life in the right direction. Take your time this moment to look beyond this week or the next into where you want to be at the end of the year, five years from now and even ten years from now. This will help you to do what you exactly want to do with your life and get fulfilled. To a fulfilled you!

Be careful of what you wish for

These very few days, I have been thinking about a certain line in one of Eminem’s rap songs. The line reads: “be careful what you wish for, for you just might have it and if you have it, you just might not know what to to with it” Yes, this line is so true and it is the sole cause of some people’s unhappiness today. We tend to focus more on having more than wanting what we have and this tendency leads us to wish for things that we think we want but do not actually want.

Dear the one reading this, be sure of what you want before you wish for things you don’t actually want but think will serve you well.
